Nachhaltig überbrückt 

Finanzierung eines Fernstrassenabschnitts. Die Türkei und dort insbesondere Istanbul ist eine lebenswichtige Drehscheibe für den Güterverkehr zwischen Europa und Nahost. Für einen besseren Strassenzugang im Westen der Metropole soll der «Northern Marmara Highway» sorgen. mehr
Jubelfeier in Houston 

Die Breakbulk Americas Messe war ein würdiger Ort, um 20 Jahre Chipolbrok America zu feiern. Als China und Polen immer mehr Abfahrten von China und Fernost in die USA zählten, beschlossen die Chipolbrok-Anteilseigner auf beiden Seiten, eine eigene Vertretung in Houston zu... mehr
Boeing: +66% of freighters by 2043 

Boeing has just published its "2024 World Air Cargo Forecast" (WACF), the biennial overview and long-term outlook for the air cargo industry, projecting that air cargo traffic will increase by an average of 4% per year through 2043. Darren Hulst, VP of commercial... mehr
Hellmann reshuffles senior management 

As from January 2025, Hellmann’s board of directors will be made up of (from left to right) Martin Eberle, Jens Drewes, Stefan Borggreve and Madhav Kurup. Two COOs – each responsible for three product areas – will be appointed to the management board, alongside Jen Drewes, CEO... mehr
Fulvio Carlini takes over the baton 

Fonasba (the Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents) held its annual meeting in Athens, Greece on 16-18 October, and its council elected its new board. Signalling a new era of leadership, Fulvio Carlini of Italy (pictured) officially succeeded Javier... mehr
Ports and partnerships in Pakistan 

The Pakistani government is working with AD Ports Group in a series of MOUs regarding air, sea and rail transport as well as logistics and digitalisation. The parties signed four agreements to this effect on 8 November in Islamabad, attended by PM Shehbaz Sharif as well as... mehr
«So viel Anfang war nie» 

Bericht von der diesjährigen World Ports Conference der IAPH in Hamburg. Hochgestimmt fand die Welt-Hafen-Konferenz der International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) vom 8. bis 10. Oktober im Hamburger CCH statt. Rund 600 Mitglieder aus der ganzen Welt waren gekommen.... mehr
Asyaport pioneers decarbonisation 

Asyaport, a joint venture between Global Terminal Limited (GTL), terminal investment company of MSC, and the Turkish Soyuer family located in Barbaros / Tekirdağ, has become the first port in Turkey to offer shore power to container vessels: an important milestone for... mehr
Intra-city sea-rail link launched 

Freight forwarder SDI Logistics has introduced a new sea-rail channel in the Chinese Guangdong-Hong-Kong-Macao Greater-Bay Area (GBA). The first container train, loaded with 2,000 motorcycles, recently departed from Zengcheng Railway Logistics Park in China and went directly to... mehr
Loay Mashabi succeeds Teddy Zebitz 

Global cargo transport specialist Saudia Cargo, a member of SkyTeam Cargo, the world’s biggest air cargo alliance, has appointed Loay Mashabi as its new chief executive officer and managing director, effective 1 January 2025. Mashabi succeeds the incombent CEO Teddy Zebitz, who... mehr