In and out of Hamburg and Lübeck 

Trans-Trading Hamburg, a member of the XLP network, recently shipped some locomotives from Bavaria to Finland via Lübeck. In January it had already handled three oversized turbines in Hamburg. The devil is often in the detail. more
A major project in the ice 

The Australian government is getting ever more interested in establishing an airfield in the Antarctic – where the ice isn’t quite as ‘eternal’ as is popularly believed, by the way. The protests of campaigners for the environment as well as of critics who doubt the... more
A drilling rig straight to the Caspian Sea 

Every project transport operation has its star player. This time it was an oil drilling rig, whose sections weighed in at 270 t. It was transferred to an inland barge by a ‘double-banking’ manoeuvre in just 24 hours. more
In orbit for 15 years 

Project transport tasks for space flights are always demanding, on account of the sensitive cargo. A French and a Ukrainian firm recently teamed up with a US entity to ship a South Korean ‘Army Navy Air Force Satellite Information System’ unit (Anasis) to its launch pad. more
A heavy anniversary 

The gateway in Burns Harbor is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a rather special project. Hundreds of elements needed for the construction of a power station transited through the hub on the southern shore of Lake Michigan. more
Four musketeers for Le Havre 

The managers of the largest ongoing terminal-building project in France’s ports think in superlatives. To enable the Port 2000 facility to handle the latest generation of ULCVs it has been equipped with four Chinese gantry cranes weighing 2,100 t each. more
Added mobility on the quays 

Government measures to contain Covid-19 have not prevented many major projects from being completed. In April Birsterminal, one of the hubs on the Rhine where the river’s inland barge navigability ends, opened a new heavylift platform recently. Mobile cranes enable inland barges... more
Markets & timing 

At the beginning of this year AAL started a monthly Europe–Middle East–India–Far East service. Christian Doepgen spoke to Eike Muentz, general manager for Europe, and Jan-Henrik Heyken, senior chartering manager for Europe. more
Maghreb gateway still open 

It’s always best to consult an expert if you want to know about developments in a regionally specialised market such as the ones in the Maghreb. Tandem Group founder and owner Habib Bouricha, who has been operating since almost ten years, spoke to the ITJ’s Christian Doepgen... more