13-14/2020 Video to kill the Covid star 

Covid-19, aka the coronavirus, and its effects currently influence the lives of billions of people all around the globe. When this issue of the ITJ went to press, Italy had been sealed off – though the country also reported segments that were coping very well with... more
11-12/2020 Viral and virtual 

These days, when anyone says virus, we think first of all of those tiny infectious biological agents that can cause disease in living beings, and not of those self-reproducing computer programmes that provoke system failure or steal personal information. Of course the... more

Agility’s Emerging Markets Logistics Index is usually able to provide you with a good overview of the dynamics in emerging markets and the state of global logistics. The latest edition of the index has largely fulfilled this expectation; it doesn’t provide a uniform picture,... more

We live in a world of ever more rapid change. The USA under president Donald Trump – will he still be in office in a year? – recently signed a trade agreement with China that logisticians have hoped for for a long time – as it could give global trade a new... more

Collaboration across the boundaries of each individual mode of transport and looking beyond the horizon are amongst the orders of the day today. The representatives of Nunner Logistics and of the Port de Sète, with whom we conducted interviews for this issue, are both good... more

A happy new year from the team here at the ITJ! Some of the details of what 2020 holds in store for us all have already spread. Every new beginning contains as much magic potential as it does doubt. Overall, the augurs have been rather reticent and subdued concerning... more
49-52/2019 The race is on 

Berlin airport now has a new yardstick by which to measure its completion. The construction phase of the larger projects in Istanbul (see also page 12 of ITJ 17-18 / 2019) and Beijing (see also page 9 of the Aviation Special in ITJ 43-44 / 2019) began later and ended... more
47-48/2019 From the Mediterranean across the Atlantic 

Over the past months the Italian Peninsula has created fat political headlines – which sometimes drowned out the good news concerning economic progress. Railfreight operations, for example, is one of the foci of investment for the state-owned rail enterprise Ferrovie... more

Over the past few years, Turkey has invested extensively and massively in its logistics infrastructure. Now this effort is bearing fruit. Many a company from Asia and Europe has set up a hub for goods flows in the country of late, enabling the local transport and logistics... more
43-44/2019 Plants in place of numbers 

Who would have thought that climate could ever steal digitalisation’s show? Now it’s happening, not only on the big political stage, but also in our modest industry. It was to be expected that the reduction of the maximum sulphur content allowed in heavy fuel oil used as... more