ITJ 1-4/2024
Dear readers,
Decisions were made at ballot boxes in Taiwan and Iowa (USA) in the course of the first month of this year that will resonate throughout the rest of 2024 – a year in which more than half of the world’s population will be called upon to cast their vote. The more – or less? – democratic sounds are almost being drowned out by the noise of war, however – not only in Ukraine and the Levant, but also in many other places around the world.
In its 85th year of publication the ITJ will continue to report on the impact of this ‘permacrisis’ on our industry – including Red Sea maritime security, for example (see page 9).
In this context it’s a particular honour and pleasure for me to report that in December the London-based Seahorse Freight Association lauded me as a runner-up in the category ‘Technology Journalist of the Year’, and highly commended me in the category ‘Airfreight Journalist of the Year’.
So bearing this in mind – all the best throughout 2024 to you and from the team at the ITJ!.
Andreas Haug