ITJ 17-18/2024
Dear readers,
The shortage of skilled workers is felt very painfully in many of the supply chains in our industry – be it in inland waterway (page 7) or road transport (page 15). I’m therefore pleased to inform you that the editorial team of the ITJ will be fortified again soon.
A problem that some other SMEs have to deal with is the pricing of their services. Kornelia Reifenberg, a partner in the global management consultancy Simon-Kucher, discusses the opportunities offered by the issue in our ‘Focus’ article on page 6.
Meanwhile, the ITJ’s 85th birthday is fast approaching. If you’d like to increase your visibility in our anniversary edition of 5 July, then get in touch with your contact! (See also our masthead on page 22 of this issue.)
In the meantime we’ve responded to popular demand and are publishing some particularly timeless articles from the archives of our ‘Time for Reflection’ section (page 23).
Here’s to a stimulating read!
Andreas Haug
Managing editor
Read our e-magazine in English here.