ITJ 5-8/2024
Dear readers,
We all have numerous key events marked in our diaries throughout the business year, and they even rule our timetable between these highlights. But if we leave aside the annual meetings, trips, trade fairs and conferences for a moment, then we come to a field that isn’t exactly subject to ‘the same procedure as every year’. I’m talking about birthdays and anniversaries.
Birthdays are a welcome opportunity to philosophise about transience and the time left to us. If we’re in a good mood, then we don’t bathe in a rose-tinted past, nor do we look to the future with a furrowed brow. At best, birthdays – and I’m talking both about our own as well as those of others – can be a wake-up call to rethink our attitudes and opinions.
We reach even higher levels with silver or even golden anniversaries, because then pleasant contemplation is transformed into necessary reflection. At these junctures looking back calls for public statements about yesterday, today, tomorrow.
The point I’m making is that the ITJ is celebrating its 85th anniversary in July this year! This will give us the opportunity to look at turning points in our industry, and our publication, under a magnifying glass.
We look forward to sharing this moment with you, our readers. Here’s to our forthcoming milestone!
Yours in anticipation,
Christian Doepgen
Read the e-magazine here.